EAIVT 2022 Annual Congress with the participation of EUROCOC

EAIVT 2022 Annual Congress with the participation of EUROCOC
Between 12 and 14 May Euroc participated in the E.A.I.V.T. – INTERNATIONAL MARKET CONGRESS 2022 which took place in Athens, Greece. EUROCOC has been a regular participant in this event – since 2010, when we became an associate partnerof EAIVT. In 2020 and 2021, the congress was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid-19. We had our last chance in 2019, when the conference was held in
London, UK, and we are delighted to have had the chance to participate in the 2022edition of the annual conference with the other 300 participants.
The conference was a mixture of exhibitions, round tables, presentations and networking.
One of the most interesting parts of the conference was the round table discussion on the following topics: The future of the automotive market, The crisis as an opportunity, What does the post-pandemic automotive business look like?
The discussion was moderated by Dirk Van Meir (Auto Discount Uster AG), and the main participants = industry experts were Markus Hamacher (Car dealer from Germany), Roger Kunz (Owner of Auto Kunz AG, CO2 Börse and President of Free Swiss Importers (VFAS) and Petr Bousa (Owner and CEO Importo Drive).
Excellent discussions with customers, partners and colleagues, updates on the latest developments in the automotive market and, above all, meeting good friends.
This was the 11th EUROCOC EAIVT meeting so far.
We were delighted to see Weston, Belcar Rent NV, Carconnex, Aramisauto, Starterre, Auto Discount Uster AG and many other familiar faces after a long time.
Thank you to the entire E.A.I.V.T. team for organising this great event!
We are looking forward to the conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2023, as this year’s edition was unforgettable.