EUROCOC – an exhibitor at EMVO Conference (Etats-Majors du Véhicule d’Occasion) 2022

On 18 May 2022, EUROCOC had the opportunity for the second time to attend the États-majors du VO conference at the Hippodrome Paris-Longchamp. This was the 11th conference where the biggest players in/members of the used car market met and more than 600 industry professionals had the opportunity to attend.
The 11th edition focused on the latest developments in the used car market. During the day, a rich programme took place, with workshops, prize-giving ceremonies, and more. It was an opportunity to participate in the best professional exhibition. The EUROCOC team met many of our customers, had the opportunity to talk to new potential ones and, as a bonus, gained new information about the sector.
The conference included 5 interesting workshops on the following topics Instant credit: the financing revolution in the used car sector, Mastering the art of multi-channel sourcing, Repackaging as the key to profitable sourcing, When digital boosts used car sourcing, Used car remarketing – from craft to industry, the conditions for change.
And at the end of the conference, Le Journal de l’Automobile awarded the EMVO grand prizes for commercial innovation, divided into four categories.
The four EMVO awards:
BtoB innovation : autosphere
Remarketing VO : FORCE2VENTE – Groupe LG
Network animation : Das WeltAuto.
It was a great event in a new location, excellent presentations with 46 exhibitors and partners. We are happy to have been able to participate.

Thank you Le Journal de l’Automobile for this incredible event! See you next year!