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As a car dealer, the focus of your work will certainly be on closing sales. However, it should be noted that closing a sale quickly is more complex to implement than it may seem. The only effective method is, therefore, to have a well-structured process in place and invest in the ability to adapt by promoting purchase proposals in a manner tailored to each customer.

Within this article, we look at 5 effective car sales strategies that can be employed in your dealership in order to speed up the process of closing deals.

Before we begin, we would like to point out that you may also include cars from different European countries in your showroom. However, in order to ensure that these vehicles can be registered within Europe hassle free, you might need to provide a Certificate of Conformity to your clients.

You can obtain this document quickly and efficiently through our online EUROCOC service. Offering your customers such a certificate as part of their purchase is a way to ensure comprehensive service and improve their overall satisfaction.

1. Earn customers’ trust

Buying a car is primarily based on trust. Therefore, in order to speed up the process of closing sales negotiations, it is essential to win the customer’s trust.

For this purpose, there are several strategies that it is possible to adopt. First, it is necessary to demonstrate that you are a reliable and established dealer.

But how can this be done? The most effective way is to present the ratings and opinions of your past customers. What could be more convincing than directly seeing what previous buyers have said?

Another effective approach to instilling confidence in a potential customer is to avoid pressuring them to make a decision.

Indeed, a buyer’s ultimate desire is precisely to feel pressured into making a hasty choice. It is important, therefore, to allow the same customer time to reflect and remain available to answer his or her questions.

2. Create a sense of urgency

With the goal of speeding up the sales process, it is crucial to instill a sense of urgency in potential buyers, giving them a reason to make the purchase in the present moment rather than postponing it.

However, it is important to handle this creation of urgency carefully, avoiding putting uncomfortable pressure on the customer by using statements such as “we have another interested buyer.” Instead, it is good to adopt a strategy that motivates them to make an immediate decision.

There are numerous approaches that can be implemented to achieve this, including freezing premiums for a limited period, offering additional vehicle warranties, or providing customization options.

In order to create an effective offer for each customer, it is also critical to do detailed planning with your team and design a tailored strategy that meets the specific needs of each individual buyer.

3. Keep an eye on the competition

To close sales more quickly, it is very important to monitor the actions of your competitors. It would be naive to think that a prospective buyer would only consider a single salesperson when purchasing a vehicle: most explore several options, so it is essential to carefully observe what competitors are doing and what they are offering.

How does a customer decide which dealer to buy from? He usually opts for the one that offers him the best deal. Therefore, it is a good idea to examine what competing local vendors offer, identify the main differences between your offer and theirs, and try to adapt to match or try to surpass the competing proposal by adding additional services.

4. Adapt to buyers’ needs

The key element of auto sales strategies is adaptability. To increase the speed of closing sales, it is, in fact, essential to tailor the offering to the specific needs of each buyer.

Since each customer is a unique individual, using a single standard offer is not always appropriate, as it may not be relevant or interesting to them. Instead, it is necessary to tailor the proposal to best meet the individual needs of each buyer.

It is important to identify the decision maker, understand their needs, identify their price constraints, and try to tailor your product to satisfy both parties. The more you can synchronize your offer with each customer’s specific needs, the more likely the purchase will be concluded.

5. Be available

To close deals more quickly, it is also critical to be responsive and available to buyers.

If a potential customer is unable to contact your dealership by the time he or she is ready to finalize the purchase, he or she will surely go elsewhere.

Availability is, therefore, of crucial importance: you must provide several communication channels such as telephone, e-mail and messaging services so that customers can contact you as easily as possible.


In summary, concluding negotiations in a speedy manner is a complex challenge. The key for your dealership must be to adopt a well-defined strategy that offers customers a unique value they cannot find elsewhere among competitors.